lunes, 11 de junio de 2007

Libro recomendado para emprendedores

La Buena Suerte
de Fernando Trías de Bes Mingot y Alex Rovira Celma

"¿Y cuándo piensas realizar tu sueño?",
le preguntó el maestro a su discípulo.
"Cuando tenga la oportunidad de hacerlo",
respondió éste. El maestro le contestó:
"La oportunidad nunca llega. La oportunidad ya está aquí".

sábado, 9 de junio de 2007

New Orleans

At the end of May, I went to New Orleans to attend ISCAS, the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, a very big conference on electronics. The conference was very interesting but here I want to talk you about the city of New Orleans.
New Orleans is the capital of Lousiana. It was a French and Spanish colony before becoming a USA state in 1803 (Napoleon needed money and sold it to the USA...:-P).
There are all the typical things we know about the south of the USA: the Missisipi river, cotton plantations, beautiful colonial houses, black people, jazz... I will give you more details and show you some photos very soon... big kisses

Ara Malikian - Amazing Falla!

Un hommage à ce grand violoniste libanais qui a offert récemment un concert à Madrid avec José Luis Montón, guitarriste du flamenco, en mélangeant divers musiques au flamenco. J'y suis tombé amoureuse. Il est super!! Sur la vidéo, il joue la musique du Falla.